
Learn how to install cookie consent banner and privacy policy in joomla Download Zip pugin-arrow
Installation instructions for joomla
Step 1

Log in as an administrator on your Joomla Website.

Step 2

Go to "Extensions" tab in the top ribbon and select "Manage > Install".

Install Extension
Step 3

Select the tab “Upload Package File” and drag and drop the “Seers Cookie Consent Banner and Privacy Policy” zip file. You will see a message “Installation of the plugin was successful” on the top of the page.

Upload Extension
Step 4

Go to “Manage” in the left-side menu.

Manage Extension
Step 5

Search and select “Seers Cookie Consent” in the plugins list.

Select Extension
Step 6

Click on the “Enable” button on the top-left corner of the page.

Enable Plugin
Step 7

After the plugin is enabled, click on the “Edit” button on the top-left corner of the page.

Edit Plugin
Step 8

Check your web URL and Email and click on SAVE button to get your Domain Group ID.

Add Domain Group Id
Step 9

Message received Plugin saved. Visit your and site banner will appear.

Save Plugin
Learn how to install cookie consent banner and privacy policy manually in joomla

Add your custom Seers script for the cookie banner to your template's index.php file inside the head tag and after the jdoc < jdoc:include type="head" /> marked with outline in red:

< script data- key=“XXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX” data-name="CookieXray" src="" type="text/javascript">
